PFIFFNER Group says goodbye to gas

Alternative energies, e-mobility and CO2 reduction, are just cornerstones of the energy turnaround, which occurs slowly but inexorably. The electrical grid is also changing as a result. The PFIFFNER Group is firmly committed to contributing to a sustainable energy supply, and not only with its products.

In three of its Swiss plants, the PFIFFNER Group operates solar plants with an installed capacity of 1.4 MW. This enables them to generate more than half the electrical energy they need.

The PFIFFNER Group companies take various approaches to meet their energy needs with alternative and, if possible, even renewable resources. MGC Moser-Glaser, based in Kaiseraugst, is switching from gas to wood-fired district heating this summer, and Haefely AG, based in Basel, is switching from gas to oil and is planning a new building that will be completely renewable. Finally, Pfiffner Germany is installing a heat pump system and will move away from gas entirely. All these projects will be realized this summer. The parent company in Hirschthal has been generating the heat it needs with groundwater heat pumps for some time now, and last year they added a pellet heating system, enabling them to meet its heating needs in full. With these investments, Pfiffner Instrument Transformers is approaching C02-neutral production at its Hirschthal site. The company has owned a hydroelectric power plant for over ten years and counts on another renewable energy source to cover its consumption.

PFIFFNER's foreign companies are also keen to reduce the CO2 content of their electricity consumption. Last year, a solar plant was installed on the roofs of the German site, and in Turkey, the largest solar plant within the PFIFFNER Group was realized this year with an output of almost 800 KWP.

The long-time owner of the company, Fritz Hunziker, who is gradually handing over the business to his successors, said that handing progressively over the business to his successors still has several energy optimization projects in the pipeline that he will continue to pursue. "On the one hand, I have a great affinity for electricity due to my job, and renewable energies have always excited me. But, on the other hand, this way, we can contribute to Switzerland's energy future."