We work hard to achieve our economic goals and are concerned that our business fulfils our Code of Conduct.

Ethics of supply chain management

  • The Pfiffner Group and its subsidiaries do not supply any manufacturers/ distributors who transform Pfiffner Group products into goods for military use, such as weapons, ammunition, explosives, etc.


  • We are committed to ensuring equal pay between the sexes in our companies. We have conducted equal pay analyses in our larger companies to verify this commitment.
  • As an employer, we care for our employees significantly when they are impacted by severe illness or accident. We strive to adapt workplace conditions to their needs to enable them to continue or return to work.
  • Where possible, we outsource more straightforward assembly work to foundations that provide meaningful employment for people with disabilities. We also consider temporary agencies that place people with impairments.
  • In addition to the country-specific compulsory social insurance, we ensure that groups of people who are more exposed to poverty have additional income protection. In Switzerland, for example, there is no coordination deduction in the pension fund to insure all employees, regardless of their workload.

Support and sponsoring

  • Every year, we donate to charity organisations and social institutions that help disadvantaged people worldwide. Furthermore, in the event of disasters in our home regions, we support charitable organisations with additional financial resources.
  • Sports and social networking are essential for us. Therefore, our companies sponsor various sports and cultural associations in their regions.


We prioritize the following United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), paving the way for all our sustainability projects.